n°61-3 de 2011
éditée par
le Laboratoire Arago
* B.P. 44
Contact : vimilieu@obs-banyuls.fr
Site : http://www.obs-banyuls.fr/Viemilieu/SOMMAIRE :
Volume 61 – Issue 3Benthic community response to sediment features in Ancona Harbour (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy)
A. SPAGNOLO, G. SCARCELLA, A. SARAPPA – 119-128Temporal variability of a subtropical intertidal meiofaunal assemblage: contrasting effects at the species and assemblage-level
R. RIERA, J. NÚÑEZ, M. DEL CARMEN BRITO, F. TUYA – 129-137Definition of a methodological search technique for the common chameleon for use in the preventive measures of infrastructure projects
M. A FARFÁN, J. DUARTE, R. REAL, J. M VARGAS – 139-144Birds outnumber insects in visiting Brassica flowers on Ventotene Island (Central Mediterranean)
J. G. CECERE, L. CORNARA, F. SPINA, S. IMPERIO, L. BOITANI – 145-150On an early record of the alien clam Mya arenaria in the Iberian Peninsula and its likely confusion with Scrobicularia plana (Bivalvia)
A. CONDE, M. AIRA, J. M. NOVAIS, J. DOMÍNGUEZ – 151-157 – Abstract – PDFMorphology of byssal threads and plaques of Xenostrobus mangle and Perna viridis (Bivalvia: mytilidae)
S. MAY XING LIEW, W.L. WONG – 159-165Metal concentrations in the liver of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, in estuaries and coastal lagoons from Portugal
Plant Ecology and Evolution (suite de Belgian Jornal of Botany)
n°145-1 de 2012
éditée par
la Société Royale de Belgique
Nationale Plantentuin van België
Verkoop Publicaties
Domein van Bouchout, Nieuwelaan 38
1860 MEISE
Contact : sales@br.fgov.be
Site : http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/botbel/plecevo/SOMMAIRE :
New insights in plant community ecology
pp. 3-3(1)
Authors: Gillet, François; Buttler, Alexandre; Spiegelberger, ThomasHow do plant community ecologists consider the complementarity of observational, experimental and theoretical modelling approaches?
pp. 4-12(9)
Authors: Spiegelberger, Thomas; Gillet, François; Amiaud, Bernard; Thébault, Aurélie; Mariotte, Pierre; Buttler, AlexandreFirst-year results of a multi-treatment steppe restoration experiment in La Crau (Provence, France)
pp. 13-23(11)
Authors: Jaunatre, Renaud; Buisson, Elise; Dutoit, ThierryHitch-hiking in the wild: should seeds rely on ungulates?
pp. 24-30(7)
Authors: Picard, Mélanie; Baltzinger, ChristopheCo-occurring species indicate habitats of the rare Limonium girardianum
pp. 31-37(7)
Authors: Baumberger, Teddy; Croze, Thomas; Affre, Laurence; Mesléard, FrançoisThe leaf size/number trade-off within species and within plants for woody angiosperms
pp. 38-45(8)
Authors: Dombroskie, Sarah L.; Aarssen, Lonnie W.Diversity and conservation value of Gabon’s savanna and inselberg open vegetation: an initial gap analysis
pp. 46-54(9)
Authors: Walters, Gretchen; Parmentier, Ingrid; Stévart, TariqRichness, similarity and specificity of Madagascar flora compared with Sub-Saharan Africa
pp. 55-64(10)
Authors: Gautier, Laurent; Chatelain, Cyrille; Callmander, Martin W.; Phillipson, Peter B.Phylogenetic relationships of Malagasy Hyacinthaceae
pp. 65-72(8)
Authors: Pfosser, Martin; Knirsch, Walter; Pinter, Michael; Ali, Syed Shujait; Dutta, Suchandra; Wetschnig, WolfgangAdditional evidence for recent divergence of Chinese Epimedium (Berberidaceae) derived from AFLP, chloroplast and nuclear data supplemented with characterisation of leaflet pubescence
pp. 73-87(15)
Authors: De Smet, Yannick; Goetghebeur, Paul; Wanke, Stefan; Asselman, Pieter; Samain, Marie-StéphanieQuantitative morphological analysis of populations in a hybrid zone of Epimedium diphyllum and E. sempervirens var. rugosum (Berberidaceae)
pp. 88-95(8)
Authors: Horie, Sachiko; Suzuki, Kazuo; Maki, MasayukiGynoecial anatomy and development in Cyperoideae (Cyperaceae, Poales): congenital fusion of carpels facilitates evolutionary modifications in pistil structure
pp. 96-125(30)
Authors: Reynders, Marc; Vrijdaghs, Alexander; Larridon, Isabel; Huygh, Wim; Leroux, Olivier; Muasya, A. Muthama; Goetghebeur, PaulDescription of Dactyladenia globosa (Chrysobalanaceae), a new tree species from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire
pp. 126-128(3)
Author: Jongkind, Carel C.H.Novitates Gabonenses 71. A new species of Uapaca (Phyllanthaceae, formerly Euphorbiaceae) from Gabon
pp. 129-131(3)
Author: Breteler, Frans J.A new species of Multidentia (Rubiaceae) from central Africa
pp. 132-137(6)
Authors: Lachenaud, Olivier; Séné, OlivierHans Rudolf Preisig (1949-2011)
pp. 138-141(4)
Authors: Taxböck, LukasRemarque : http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/botbel/plecevo/2012/00000145/00000001;jsessionid=14qa1amiojvcg.alice
Vie et Milieu – Périodique d’Écologie
n°62-1 de 2012
éditée par
le Laboratoire Arago
* B.P. 44
Contact : vimilieu@obs-banyuls.fr
Site : http://www.obs-banyuls.fr/Viemilieu/SOMMAIRE :
Have non-indigenous planktonic species been introduced via ballast waters in two North African ports (la Goulette and Bizerte, Tunisia)?
H. TRIKI ZMERLI, O. DALY YAHIA-KÉFI – 1-9 – Abstract – PDFExtraction and repellent activity of Lepidoploa aurea and Memora nodosa against stored grain and byproduct pests
H. A. FOUAD, L. R. D. FARONI, R. C. RIBEIRO, W. DE S. TAVARES, F. PETACCI – 11-15 – Abstract – PDFInfection of speckled shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Decapoda: Penaeidae) by the branchial parasite Orbione bonnieri (Epicaridea: Bopyridae)
C. PRINTRAKOON, W. PURIVIROJKUL – 17-22 – Abstract – PDFSurvival of male and female Cerastoderma glaucum (Bivalvia) during aerial exposure
K. TARNOWSKA, A. VERNEY, M. WOŁOWICZ, J.-P. FERAL, A. CHENUIL – 23-28 – Abstract – PDFSpatial distribution and decay rates of coliforms in the sediments and water column of the Bizerte lagoon
I. BOUKEF, B. BÉJAOUI, M. BEL HASSAN, R. MRAOUNA, P. GOT, A. HARZALLAH, M. ELBOUR – 29-36 – Abstract – PDFIs the fecundity type of the zygoparous species Helicolenus dactylopterus determinate or indeterminate?
V. SEQUEIRA, A. NEVES, R. BARROS PAIVA, A. RITA VIEIRA, L. SERRANO GORDO – 37-42 – Abstract – PDFThe invasive spotted sea hare Aplysia dactylomela (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Aplysiidae) – new records and spread pattern in the Mediterranean
F. CROCETTA, B. S. GALIL – 43-46 – Abstract – PDF
Remarque : http://www.obs-banyuls.fr/Viemilieu/index.php/volume-62-2012/62-issue-1.html
Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse
n°147 de 2011
éditée par
la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse
* Département d’Echange du Bulletin
Service commun de documentation – Université Paul Sabatier
118, rue de Narbonne
31062 TOULOUSE cedex 09
Contact : giani@cict.fr
Site :Remarque : Un article sur la flore et la végétation lichéniques de la réserve intégrale du cirque de Madasse
Bulletin de la Société Mycologique du Poitou
n°34 de 2011
éditée par
la Société Mycologique du Poitou
24 rue des Fougères
Contact : raphael.herve@wanadoo.fr
Site : http://www.societe-mycologique-poitou.orgSOMMAIRE :
Photo: Amanita caesarea (R. Hervé) ……………………………………………………………… Couverture
Présentation de la Société ……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 2
Editorial (R. Hervé) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 3
Liste des adhérents à la Société Mycologique du Poitou ………………………………………. Pages 4-5
Bilan mycologique 2011 (R. Hervé) …………………………………………………………………. Pages 6-9
Compte-rendu de l’Assemblée Générale du 5 mars 2011 …………………………………. Pages 10-15
Le cèdre de Noël (J.L. Surault) ………………………………………………………………………….. Page 16
Vente des champignons sur les marchés de Poitiers (R. Hervé) ………………………… Pages 17-18
Session mycologique 2011 (R. Hervé) ………………………………………………………….. Pages 19-28
Planches photos session mycologique No 1 à 2 ……………………………………………….. Pages 29-30
Saison mycologique à la Fac. de Médecine et de Pharm. de Poitiers (R de Scheemaeker) ….. Pages 31-33
Récoltes intéressantes (V. Montagne) ……………………………………………………………. Pages 34-47
Planches photos récoltes intéressantes N° 3 à 6 ……………………………………………….. Pages 48-51
Contribution à l’étude des myxomycètes et planches N° 7 à 17 (V. Montagne)·········· Pages 52-71
La réserve naturelle nationale du Pinail (Y. Sellier)· .. ··············································Pages 72-76
Les Records (M. Thibault) ……………………………………………………………………………. Page 77-78
Des marsupiaux en Charente-Maritime (M. Thibault) ··················································Page 79